Лохотрон в интернете или как я стал виртуальным долларовым миллионером...
Уже в который раз по инету я получаю различные письма о том, что я являюсь наследником миллионного богатства и, что адвокат такой-то готов помочь мне, чтобы я получил его...
Почему-то все мои "родственники" проживающие в Великобритании, Нигерии и т.д. очень богатые, даже есть нефтяные магнаты, погибают в автокатострофе с жёнами и детьми и никто из них не выживает, и на всё белом свете только я - Альберт Восканян, из рода Восканянов, который жив и должен получить наследство.:))
Когда, в-первый раз получил такое письмо, на какую-то долу секунды сердце ёкнуло, а птотом сразу дошло, что это кидалово, начал удалять эти письма, не отвечать. Потом письма зачастили и география регионов, где погибают мои родственники в автокатострофах расширилась...:))
Приходят письма не только о наследстве, но и, что хотят оказать помощь сиротам, что я выиграл лотерею... Короче, как я узнал, не только я, естественно, получаю такие письма, а миллионы пользователей инета и, также, я узнал, что очень много людей "клюют" на эту наживку, забывая, что "БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ БЫВАЕТ ТОЛЬКО СЫР В МЫШЕЛОВКЕ".
Вот, выставляю малую часть таких писем, который я получил, последнее письмо пришло 2 дня назад.
DX: 339 London/Chancery Lane
Dear Albert Voskanyan ,
This is a personal email directed to you
through your profile where I discovered that you have the capability involved.
I request that this be treated as confidential. I LEWIS MARKS QC
attorney/sole executor to the late Mr. Albert Voskanyan, who worked as an independent
oil magnate in my country and who died in a car crash with his immediate family on
the 4th of oct,1998.
Since the death of my client in oct, 1998, I have tried to locate any of his
extended relatives whom shall be beneficiaries of his abandoned
personal assets and account and all such efforts have been to no avail but now I have found
you so you can receive the inheritance.
Also,I have received official letters from his bank suggesting a
likely proceeding for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in line
with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of 3.8
million British Pounds Sterling.
I require only a solemn confidentiality and commitment on this.
Upon the receipt of your reply,I will send you by fax or E-mail the next step
to take.
Yours Legally,
Yello !
Albert Voskanyan
We provide a concept that will allow anyone with sufficient work experience to obtain a fully verifiable Univeristy Dgeree. Doctoarte, Doctoarte or Matsers.
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Many people share the same frustration, they are doing the work of the person that has the degree and the person that has the degree is getting all the money. Do not you think that it is time you were paid fair compensation for the level of work you are already doing?
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We will get back to you ASAP
Dear Friend,
It is with great regret that I have learned the disturbance I have caused you and your family. I want to make this confession because I am conscious of the damage that could be done with my soul if I did not establish the facts about the position of your money. For over 1 year, I have undergone 4 major back surgeries culminating in titanium rods having been implanted as support for my spine. This sickness has defiled all forms of medicine, and when it became apparent I could no longer walk. It is recently the doctors broke the news that I have only about few weeks to live. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul.
In a brief introduction, I am Mrs. Alice Morgan, a senior staff with the Electronic Transfer Account Department: I would ask you to accept that there is little more I can now do to satisfactorily resolve the issues holding the release of the US$9,300,000 but with due cognizance to the constitutional procedures. Having known my condition, I have acknowledged the wrong I have committed in the past and words alone cannot restore the unacceptable delay and aggravation you have suffered as a consequence of my inaction. But we can take a clear stand and ensure that this money is immediately released to your bank account without any problem.
I have had the pleasure to instruct Rev. Fr. John Martins, to perfect immediate transfer of this money to you, and they have accepted to carry out the transfer as soon as you make official application. You will need to contact Rev. Fr. John Martins and forward your full name; Address and direct telephone number to enable them perfect the release of your money. Remember to include your transaction reference number CP-59/78782/56589/09. Rev. Fr. John Martins will treat you with genuine respect and professionalism. He will immediately begin to release the money to you within 3 days time if you keep in constant touch with him. You can contact “Rev. Fr. John Martins” on this email address: ( rev.fr_jmartins1@yahoo.it ) for urgent attention.
Additionally, on behalf of my present condition, I ask you to accept my unreserved apologies for my past inaction that unfairly denied you from receiving your legitimate inheritance money. If there is anything you can do for me now is “FORGIVENESS”
You and your family have my best wishes for the future.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs.Alice Morgan.
DX: 339 London/Chancery Lane
Dear Albert Voskanyan ,
This is a personal email directed to you
through your profile where I discovered that you have the capability involved.
I request that this be treated as confidential. I LEWIS MARKS QC
attorney/sole executor to the late Mr. Albert Voskanyan, who worked as an independent
oil magnate in my country and who died in a car crash with his immediate family on
the 4th of oct,1998.
Since the death of my client in oct, 1998, I have tried to locate any of his
extended relatives whom shall be beneficiaries of his abandoned
personal assets and account and all such efforts have been to no avail but now I have found
you so you can receive the inheritance.
Also,I have received official letters from his bank suggesting a
likely proceeding for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in line
with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of 3.8
million British Pounds Sterling.
I require only a solemn confidentiality and commitment on this.
Upon the receipt of your reply,I will send you by fax or E-mail the next step
to take.
Yours Legally,
From Françoise B.TCHIKPE
BP 703 Parakou, République du Bénin
Telephone: +229 98391316
ATTN: Voskanyan
Iam Avocats Françoise B.TCHIKPE, An attorney to Late Mr. Samvel Voskanyan, a national of your country, who used to work as the Director of Produitspétroliers (TOTAL BÉNIN) in Benin Republic West Africa Here in aftershall be Referred to as my client. On the 27th of May 2004,myclient,And His wife and their three Children were involved in a caraccident Along Sagbama express-road. All occupants of the vehicleUnfortunately lost their lives.Since then I have made several enquiriesto your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives this hasalso proved Unsuccessful.
Afterthese several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track His last nameover the Internet, to locate any member of his Family hence I contactedyou. I have contacted you to assist in Repatriating the money andproperty left behind by my clientbefore they get confiscated ordeclared unserviceable by the bank here.These huge deposits were lodgedparticularly, with the "BANQUEATLANTIQUE DU BENIN (BAB)" An affiliateof Commercial Bank of Africa where the Deceased had an account valuedat about $18.5 million dollars.
TheBank has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have theaccount confiscated. Since I have been unsuccessful in Locating therelatives for over 6 years now, I seek your consent To present you asthe next of kin of the deceased since you have The same last name sothat the proceeds of this account valued at $18.5 million dollars canbe paid to you and then you and me can Share the money..50% to me and50% to you I will procure all Necessary legal documents that can beusedto back up any claim we may make.
All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this Deal through.
Iguarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangementthat will protect you from any breach of the law. And the way we aregoing to achieve this is, I will need the following information fromyou,
Your Full Name and Address,
Your Age,Occupation and Position,
Your Telephone and Mobile for Communication Purpose.
For privacy please call me, +229 98391316
I await your reply ASAP.
Best Regards,
Françoise B.TCHIKPE.
May God bless you as you read and reply.
Dearest One in Christ,
May our good Lord bless your going out and coming in and provide all
your needs through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen.
Dear in Christ,
I am Mrs. Gift Anny, i am writing you this mail as God has
directed me after 1 week fasting and prayers. Be informed that i went
for a medical check up, and my doctor called me personally that i
will not last for the next 2 weeks due to my heart illness. And i know
i will die, of which i have prayed and ask God for a divine favour.
I have decided to donate the sum of $1,500,000 USD for a Church or an
individual as I do not have any child to inherit it and it's better I
do not die leaving the money here without it reaching to the poor and
the lessprivileged ones in the society. As soon as I receive your
reply I shall tell my bank to transfer the money to you.
Informations Required from you are:
Your Full Name(.......................... )
Your Direct Tel & Fax N°:(......................,)
Your Home & Office addresses(..............................)
Your Bank Account (..................)
With these informations, I will forward them to the Bank for
immediately transferring of the Funds to your Position. Please always
pray for me and let God give me more Good health to stay in this
World. EMAIL ME: mrs_giftanny@yahoo.co.jp
Best Regards,
Mrs. Gift Anny.
Я выставил этот пост, чтобы предупредить - друзья, не обманывайтесь! Никогда не верьте этим людям, не давайте им ваши координаты, номера счетов и другое инфо!
В комментариях я расскажу, как спецом ввязался в переписку с одим из таких моих "адвокатов"...
Я, как-то подсчитал, что уже являюсь долларовым миллионером, правда...виртуальным...:))))